Sunday, June 22, 2008

Introduction to Christian Faith

Christian Faith as we have it today is the outcome of thousands of years the faith experience of many faith communities. The faith of Abraham, which is at the root of at least three major religions, was the result of his direct experience of God, his friend, is not an isolated experience. there were other friends of God even before Abraham even in biblical tradition like Enoch (Gen %:22) who walked with God, and Noah, the righteous, and later Moses. Abraham considered Melchizedek, the King of Salem, as his priest and paid tithes to him. Certainly Abraham subscribed to the Melchizedek's faith which was the religion of Canaanite territory of Salem. He was also a friend of the Hittites, whom he associated with in his war to liberate Lot and his family who were imprisoned by the combined army of seven local kings. Thesed different faith traditions saw their entry into the Old Testament text as is revelaed by the major document that contribute d to the formation of of, namely JEDP representing diferent names of God and traditions.Faith of Moses was alos influenced by his father in law Jethro, the priest of Midian, where Moses first met God and got his commission to liberate the Israelites. Even Jacob went back to Mesopotamia for his wives and certainly influenced by them. The revelation of Jahweh was the criterio0n of accept or reject other traditions. and the y use d it creatively

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